
Ok now if there was an "L" plate in blog world, I'd have one plastered across the top title up there, so bare with me!

What is it?
This little project seeks to juice up the world of playing, learning and listening to that very magical of beasts - MUSIC. I know a few people in this neck of the woods whom I find incredibly inspiring, and I'm beginning to realise the sheer MAGNITUDE of musical stuff that i could gather and assemble here, on this unassuming, humble little blog spot.

Who's it for?
Well, you. Oh, and your friends.

What's in it?
Stuff I like, upcoming gigs, links to other great sites, music reviews, arty bits and pieces, tips for music students (because I both AM one as well as TEACH some - hello dears). But it'll all be revealed in good time.....

Monday, February 7, 2011

At the Belligen Music Festival...

Claudia Douglas

ClaudiaClaudia studied cello and piano at the NSW Conservatorium High School, having grown up in a musical family. Her father was a fine jazz pianist and her mother an avid concert-goer who fostered her love of music.
She studied with the legendary Richard Gill and with Australian cellist David Pereira, later undertaking post-graduate studies with Molly Kadarauch at the University of Melbourne, receiving first-class honours for her performance of the Elgar Cello Concerto.
She has played with major orchestras including the Australian Chamber Orchestra and the Sydney Philharmonia and has performed in concert with David Helfgott. She has been living in Bellingen since 2008, where she teaches and performs regularly.

I have had the privilege of not only seeing Claudia's performances (spanning diverse repertoire and divine execution) but also of being tutored by her. An incredible talent not to be missed. In this little neck of the woods (Mid-North Coast, NSW), we are truly blessed to have her in the program at this lovely festival! Here's the link...  


1 comment:

  1. Oops, I should probably draw attention to the dates of said event!! (I'm still sooo new at this) ...

    28th and 29th of May 2011
    Bellingen Music Festival

    For any more details, check the site! Then book tickets!
